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順天堂大学医学部卒業後、日本赤十字社医療センター眼科、東京大学大学院研究員を経て、1999年から2001年まで米国ハーバード大学眼科 角膜・屈折矯正手術部門フェロー。
2001年より順天堂大学医学部眼科学講座 医局長・講師を経て、2004年に東京都渋谷区に道玄坂 加藤眼科を開設。
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近視矯正手術 レーシックの正しい受け方
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眼の細胞生物学  中山書店/加藤卓次 (共著)
眼科プラクティス 結膜移植、輪部移植  文光堂/加藤卓次 (共著)
角膜内皮創傷治癒機転 Eye Surgery Illustrated  メディカルビュー社/加藤卓次 (共著)
眼科診療エッセンス  メディカルビュー社/加藤卓次 (共著)
眼科プラクティス 前眼部アトラス  文光堂/加藤卓次 (共著)
眼科オピニオン インフォームドコンセント  中山書店/加藤卓次 (共著)
眼科診療Q&A ピコセコンドレーザー  六法出版/加藤卓次 (共著)
眼科プラクティス 前眼部のトラブルシューティング  文光堂/加藤卓次 (共著)
前眼部アトラス  総合医学社/加藤卓次 (共著)
Takuji Kato, et al.
"Clinical Cornea" Academic press
Takuji Kato, et al.
“LASEK, PRK and Excimer laser stromal surface ablation” Marcel Dekker
Takuji Kato, et al.
1. Kato T, Hamanaka T: Ocular signs and symptoms caused by exposure to sarin gas.
Am J Ophthalmol ;121:209-10, 1996.
2. Kato T, Watanabe Y, Nakayasu K, Kanai A, Yajima Y: The ultrastructure of the lens
capsule abnormalities in Alport's syndrome. Jpn J Ophthalmol ;42:401-5, 1998
3. Kato T, Yamaguchi T, Hamanaka T, Kanai A: Corneal marginal ulcer in relapsing
polychondritis: treatment with keratoepithelioplasty. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers  1998 ;29:767-9, 1998
4. Kato T, Nakayasu K, Ikegami K, Obara T, Kanayama T, Kanai A: Analysis of
glycosaminoglycans in rabbit cornea after excimer laser keratectomy.
Br J Ophthalmol ;83:609-612, 1999
5. Kato T, Nakayasu K, Hosoda Y, Watanabe Y, Kanai A: Corneal wound healing following
laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK): a histopathological study in rabbits.
Br J Ophthalmol ;83:1302-5, 1999
6. Kato T, Nakayasu K, Omata Y, Watanabe Y, Kanai A: Corneal deposits as an alerting sign of monoclonal gammopathy. Cornea ;18:734-8, 1999
7. Kato T, Nakayasu K, Kanai A: Corneal wound healing and immunohistological features of extracellular matrix following penetrating keratoplasty in rabbits. Jpn J Ophthalmol;44:334-41, 2000.
8. Kato T, Nakayasu K, Kanai A, Nishiyama T, Hayashi T: Distribution and Isoform Characterization of Type XII Collagen in Bovine Cornea. Ophthalmic Res; 32: 215-21, 2000.
9. Fujiki K, Hotta Y, Nkayasu K, Yamaguchi T, Kato T, Uesugi Y, Ha NT, Endo S, Ishida N, Lu WN, Kanai A.: Six different
mutations of TGFBI (betaig-h3, keratoepithelin) gene found in Japanese corneal dystrophies.Cornea;19 : 842-5, 2000
10. Hasegawa N, Torii T, Kato T, Miyajima H, Furuhata A, Nakayasu K, Kanai A, Habuchi O.: Decreased GlcNAc
6-O-sulfotransferase activity in the cornea with macular corneal dystrophy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.41: 3670-7, 2000
11. Lin HC, Chang JH, Jain S, Gabison EE, Kure T, Kato T, Fukai N, Azar DT
Matrilysin cleavage of corneal collagen type XVIII NC1 domain and generation of a 28-kDa fragment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 42:2517-24, 2001
12. Azar DT, Ang RT, Lee JB, Kato T, Chan CC, Jain S, Gabison E, Abad JC
Laser subepithelial keratomileusis: electron microscopy and visual outcomes of flap photorefractive keratectomy. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 12:323-8, 2001.
13. Chang JH, Gabison EE, Kato T, Azar DT
Corneal neovascularization.Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 12:242-9, 2001
14. Kato T, Kure T, Chang J-H, Gabison EE, Itoh T, Itohara S, Azar DT. Diminished corneal angiogenesis in gelatinase A-deficient mice. FEBS letter 508:187-190, 2001.
15. Lee JB, Javier JA, Chang JH, Chen CC, Kato T, Azar DT
Confocal and Electron Microscopic Studies of Laser Subepithelial Keratomileusis (LASEK) in the White Leghorn Chick Eye. Arch Ophthalmol 120: 1700-6, 2002.
16. Kato T, Chang J-H, Azar DT.
Expression of type XVIII collagen during healing of corneal incisions and keratectomy wounds. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 44: 78-85, 2003.
17. Kure T, Chang JH, Kato T, Hernandez-Quintela E, Ye H, Lu PC, Matrisian LM, Gatinel D, Shapiro S, Gosheh F, Azar DT. Corneal neovascularization after excimer keratectomy wound in matrilysin-deficient mice. Invest Ophthalmol
Vis Sci
44: 137-44, 2003.
18. Gabison E, Chang JH, Hernandez-Quintela E, Javier J, Lu PC, Ye H, Kure T, Kato T, Azar DT.
Anti-angiogenic role of angiostatin during corneal wound healing. Exp Eye Res 78:579-89, 2003..
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